Friday, April 17, 2009

I seriously can't stop doing this.

OK, so, there is this Etsy shop that has seriously the best wall vinyls on Etsy. Hands down.

And the BEST part....
They're giving something away:

You simply must go look.

Just for Me...and You: circlelinestudio {GIVEAWAY!!!}

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I brought you here, Sir. For I am Spartacus.

Right now,
I feel like a piece of bread.

A sad, moldy piece of white Iron Kids bread,
crust edges fraying,
and leaving little crumbs of myself behind as I wander.

I need stability back.
I need warm water to wash my face.
I need to feel safe.

I do not feel that way right now.

I feel like everything I care about is paper thin,
and threatening to break.
And I'm sorry if that bothers you,

but a girl can't help it when things feel fragile.

Tomorrow I will wash my hair,
work the final day of the week,
and prepare for change.

The good,
"i like this" kind of change.

So let it be written,
so let it be done.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yay for Tollipop.


generally I don't do things everyone else is doing on principle.

Tollipop has made me change my mind.
I don't care that everyone and their mother has entered this amazing giveaway.....

I wanna win-em.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Because I love you)last night.

I, like you,
once torn,

am so very far away.
away .

You are the only one to bring me back.
And yet, you are the only one who shouldn't.

What am I missing?

Oh yes.

I remember.

They call it "hindsight".